Friday, August 21, 2009

St. Louis 2009

Can't believe we haven't posted anything from our trip to St. Louis this year. This was Jacob's first vacation. We make this pilgrimmage annually - we were so excited to make the trip with our little one.

Jacob's first MLB game! He enjoyed sitting and listening to all the sounds. Fenway is next on his list!

First trip to the swimming pool. He was decked out in his swim shirt and too cute swim trunks. No worries about sunscreen - we had an indoor pool. Of course, it was a super cool indoor pool. He wasn't real sure of the whole pool experience.

First trip to Ted Drewes - a family favorite! Next year, the first concrete!!

Chillin' at the hotel!

Drinking at the Brewery!

School is Back!

It is sad to see summer end, but what a great summer it was. We have had a blast watching baby Jacob grow and learn and explore. I will try to be better about posting. We love being able to share him with our family and friends through this website.

Jacob is gearing up for his first football season! How exciting it will be for everyone. Can you say - All hands on deck!

Jacob loves sitting up in his high chair - he feels like such a big boy

Daddy & Jacob posing outside before leaving for school.

I think he is learning that this black machine is something I am supposed to look at!